Inclusive workplace

Learn more about our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Our DEI mission

We are committed to our DEI mission: to foster a diverse, equitable and inclusive workplace that enables everyone to thrive. We recognise that each employee has a unique set of perspectives, identities and experiences. By proactively creating inclusive environments that celebrate and leverage this diversity, we enable individuals and teams to utilise their full potential. This increases innovation, agility and quality of work – strengthening our competitive edge and capacity to grow and thrive as a sustainable business.

Employees having a meeting
Pleasant team discussion of three employees

Making VELUX Commercial a great place to work for everyone

We want all of our employees to have a positive experience of VELUX Commercial as a workplace. To create a fair and equitable work environment, we therefore develop and implement different initiatives. So far, these include but are not limited to mandatory unconscious bias training for all leaders, bias reduction efforts in the hire process and DEI questions in our Global Employee Survey.

Mutual respect – a cornerstone of our culture

Mutual respect is one of the six VELUX Values. It is seen every day in the way we work together and treat each other. We want all our employees to make the effort to understand others, treat them with respect and recognise the unique set of perspectives and beliefs that every employee brings to work with them each day.

People working on a rooftop
Worker on a rooftop

Available jobs

From sales and production to management and marketing — at VELUX Commercial we have a wide range of opportunities. Don’t hesitate to take a look at our current vacancies.