Daylight solutions for hotels and conference centres

Realizing the potential of daylight in hotel and conference centre projects has several benefits. Guests and visitors can experience better time spent in more natural communal spaces. While staff have shown improved happiness and an increase in productivity.

Hotels are multifunctional and have several functions and purposes. A guest room, front office, restaurant, leisure space, kitchen and bar are just a few commonly found spaces. Modern buildings often require architectural innovation, but historic building refurbishments are also popular in hospitality design. Daylight solutions can support optimal management of both natural and artificial light.

See The Bodmin Jail Hotel case study

Artificial light and energy usage in hotels

Hotel communal spaces are often busy and full of motion. Lighting level requirements will vary according to specific country-based regulations. Ventilation and thermal comfort are also considerations when assessing your daylighting options. Artificial lighting accounts for 15% to 45% of electricity consumption in small hotels and restaurants. Natural light can help reduce this number.

An increase in energy consumption is especially prevalent in twenty-four-hour community spaces. In a 65-room hotel setting, for example, traditional corridor lighting can consume 1000 kWh per day. In lobbies, it can peak at 370 kWh per day. Bedrooms come in at approximately 350 kWh per day usage (source:

RAI conference centre with stick system installation

RAI conference centre with stick system installation

The benefits of daylight to illuminate hotel buildings

Reducing energy consumption reduces operational costs. Rooflights offer a sustainable option with natural light solutions built for long term usage. As a business owner you may choose to install daylight solutions as part of your budgeting and environmental strategy. But daylight also illuminates common spaces, adding natural charm. More natural light also improves sleep patterns and body recovery after long flights to new time zones — an added perk for travelers.

A choice of hotel and conference centre daylight solutions

Fixed monolight modular rooflight K.B.Hallen Frederiksber Denmark

Monolight product

The look and feel you choose for your hotel or conference space will influence design plans. Large spaces often have irregular occupancy hours and multifunctional purposes. This can include business conferences, weddings and social events. But the challenges faced are consistent. Often heating issues occur as large numbers of people occupy a space. Inventive ventilation solutions can bring comfort to larger spaces guests regularly occupy.

Green Solution House illustrates the benefits of introducing daylight to a hotel and conference centre. Each component in the building design has contributed to circular sustainability. Daylight played an important role in realizing such an innovative and ambitious project outcome. 196 ridgelight modules make up the stunning inner courtyard and atrium.

About VELUX Commercial

At VELUX Commercial, we take pride in providing you with roof glazing solutions for every type of hotel building. We also offer support that goes beyond project completion. Our expertise and support covers product selection, technical advice and installation support, as well as service and maintenance. Contact us to find out how we can support your next project. For more insight, download your free copy of our white paper: Designing daylight solutions for commercial buildings.

eBook - Designing Daylight Solutions for Commercial Buildings, VELUX Commercial

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