Comfort ventilation and SHEV

Openable skylights can be used for comfort ventilation as well as for smoke and heat extraction - both functions are important factors for healthy and safe buildings. Smoke and heat extraction systems are safety devices that help to protect property and save lives in the event of a fire. A suitable ventilation strategy serves to achieve good indoor air quality and can help to reduce energy consumption.

Replacement of SHEV rooflights at Messe Karlsruhe with solid aluminium lids.

Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation (SHEV) is a critical part of commercial building design. Rooflights can be specified with SHEV to offer additional ...

Rooflights with natural ventilation at Strawberry Field cafe

Ventilation contributes to the provision of good indoor air quality, removing carbon dioxide and unwanted pollutants while introducing fresh air. Peop...

Atrium with venting rooflights

If no ventilation strategy is in place, a commercial building can experience overheating, especially in spaces where there is increased internal gains...

Aarup Municipality is rebuild for a day care center/kindergarten featuring VELUX Modular Skylights

Poor indoor air quality can not only seriously inhibit students’ concentration and overall performance, but can also lead to increased absenteeism due...

Ryparken Lilleskole featuring VELUX Modular Skylights

Ryparken Lille Skole (literally "Ryparken little school") is situated in a century-old former textile factory in Copenhagen. For years the school and ...

Hessenwaldschule featuring VELUX Modular Skylights

There’s no doubt that the physical design of classrooms can have a positive or negative effect on children’s learning outcomes. One of the key factors...

Children and teacher in a class

Just like the bowls of porridge in the well-known fairytale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the temperature in classrooms should be neither too hot...

xeter College featuring skylights and showing the impact of the light from the roof

Did you know that well-designed classrooms have a significant influence on academic performance? Studies have found that improved physical characteris...

eBook: Building better schools: six ways to help our children learn